The WORLD MADAM series of WORLD MADAM global series events were initiated by Madam Annie Huang, with Madam Lisa Chen serving as the Global Executive Chairwoman. The goal is to connect married women who are influential in politics, economics, technology, culture, and other fields from all over the globe.There is news that starting on January 10, 2022, the World Madam Group, the global organizer of the World Madam, officially authorized Qingdao World Madam Culture and Technology Industry Co., Ltd. as the official website service provider.
"Crown Changes Lives" highlights the charm of married women, which awakens and encourages them to learn of caring for themselves while working hard for their careers, families, and the next generations. The goal is to establish more female role models through advocating health, beauty, and love, participating in social charity activities, helping the poor and disabled, and putting concerted efforts to achieve "Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Globe."